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In this video you will find out lecture which will make you understand chemical kinetics an important chapter of class 12th physical chemistry. This will also help students in Jee Mains and neet This ...

Guan Yin is the Goddess of Mercy in Buddhist mythology. It's interesting that Laramee names his book sculptures after her - he claims to have been thinking and meditating on the devastating images tha ...

I love books almost as much for their book covers as I do their actual books. A well-designed book cover matches the intent and spirit of the story, and can often enhance the experience of reading it. ...

This is my first post on this forum. I am looking for a book named as "Develop your own Web Account Application Using ASP.NET 2.0 (Secret Revealed)", if anyone could have and would like to share it, I ...

Kurt Vonnegut is one of my favorite authors, and I really miss his voice. In this video, he humorously talks about the different shapes of stories. (Or maybe not so different.) ...

I don't know that there is much more to say. Christopher Walken reads the children's classic 3 Little Pigs. ...

Audio Book Streams, Classic SciFi Television Streams and Nightly Streams of Classic Art Bell Broadcasts. The streams consist of books consisting of Science Fiction, Classic TV Shows and Future Books. ...

Image via Tiger Mom Says. Amy Chua didn't realize what she unleashed when the Wall Street Journal published a string of excerpts from her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, and titled it "Why Chin ...

This bookcase is so gorgeous. I wonder what it'll look like all filled up. It's a great visual reminder to actually read the books you have. Via LikeCool. ...

Shelfari is a cool free widget that allows users to install a virtual bookshelf with custom picks on most blogs and social networks (Blogger, Typepad, and more). Appears to be owned by A ...